Power Consumption & Industries
Rail Transit

   Hopewind has innovative and independent technical strength for the rail transit industry to provide first-class solutions for urban transportation, shield machine and other customers. The solutions feature safety and comfort, energy conservation and environmental protection, leading technology, etc., to help the construction of urban rail transit in China.

Ease of maintenance

Direct connection in parallel of multiple power units, with easy power expansion and good maintainability

Strong adaptability to grid

Super adaptability to the grid, coping with grid power and generator power supply mode

Safety and reliability

Good compatibility and stability of the system and ability to detect and diagnose in real-time, to ensure the safe and continuous operation of the system

Excellent technologies

Adoption of four-quadrant technology, multi-axis composite control technology, multi-motor synchronization and load balance control technology, etc., with excellent performance

Related products
HD8000 Series (seven-level)
10kV/single machine 15MVA~51MVA, maximum supporting 3 parallel machines
HD8000 Series (five-level)
6.6kV/single machine 10MVA~34MVA, maximum supporting 3 parallel machines
HD8000 Series (tri-level)
3.3kV/single machine 5MVA~17MVA, maximum supporting 3 parallel machines
HD2000 Series Frequency Converter – Water-cooled Model
HD2000 Series Frequency Converter – Air-cooled Model