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Hopewind won the first prize of China Electrotechnical Society

The list of winners of the highly anticipated 2021 "China Electrotechnical Society Science and Technology Award" has been officially released. The project "Wind Power Fast Frequency Modulation Control Theory and Key Technologies and Scaled Application" jointly completed by Hopewind and a number of universities, electric power academies, equipment and power generation enterprises won the first prize of the 2021 China Electrotechnical Society Science and Technology Award!


Hopewind has won the second prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award, the first prize of the China Renewable Energy Society Science and Technology Progress Award, the first prize of the Shenzhen Science and Technology Progress Award, and the first prize of the Metallurgical Science and Technology Award. These honors are the great encouragement to Hopewind Electric by the industry and academia, and will surely stimulate the greater creative passion of Hopewind members.

The Science and Technology Award of China Electrotechnical Society is the first batch of awards for social forces established with the approval of the National Science and Technology Award Authority in 2001. It is generally regarded as the highest award of electrical technology in China.


The award-winning project of "Wind Power Fast Frequency Modulation Control Theory and Key Technologies and Large-scale Application" pioneered the rapid frequency modulation control theory of wind power inertia and primary frequency modulation sequential coordination, broke through the bottleneck of related traditional analysis and control technologies, and developed a series of unique It has developed control technology and equipment, and carried out demonstrations at multiple stations. It has led the technological innovation of active frequency regulation of wind power, and has important inspiration for the construction of new power systems under the large-scale development and application of wind power and photovoltaics in the future.

In this project, Hopewind has developed a series of wind power converters with independent inertia response, which can actively realize high-speed inertia support for the grid connection, thereby improving the system operation stability after large-scale application of wind turbines, and at the same time taking into account The wind turbines have optimized requirements for frequency regulation load and power generation efficiency, at the same time, it takes into account the optimization requirements of wind turbines for frequency regulation load and power generation efficiency. The performance indicators such as dynamic response speed and control accuracy displayed far exceed the requirements of relevant standards, and have been highly recognized by the market.Meanwhile, a wind farm energy management system with fast primary frequency modulation capability has been developed, focusing on improving the grid-related characteristics of wind farms and the utilization efficiency of each unit in the farm. In addition to the primary frequency regulation function, the system also includes functions such as station reactive power regulation and terminal voltage optimization. It has excellent performance and is easy to deploy and debug.


It is Hopewind's prospect and commitment to the future to comprehensively enhance its technological innovation capabilities, continuously promote technological progress in the industry, and create a better life for mankind.