Hopewind Electric places great importance on your personal privacy. Before you access our website, please agree to the use of all cookies. If you wish to learn more about how we use cookies, please visit our Privacy Policy.
Privacy Policy

Before using any services on this website, please carefully read and thoroughly understand the statements in this policy. When you browse or use any service provided by Shenzhen Hopewind Electric Co., Ltd. (from now on referred to as “we” or “Hopewind Electric”), it indicates that you fully understand and agree to the contents of this policy. This website may adjust or revise the content of this policy due to technological advancements or service improvements. If you continue using our services, you agree to be bound by the revised policy.

1. How We Use Cookies

To ensure the website's normal operation and provide better services, we may store cookies, Flash cookies, or other local storage provided by your computer or mobile device, which usually includes identifiers, site names, and some numbers and characters (“Cookies”). The main purposes of cookies are authentication, preference settings, ensuring data and service security, providing better services, improving service efficiency, understanding and enhancing services, analyzing website usage, and assisting in marketing and advertising activities.

2. About Personal Information

By legal, legitimate, and necessary principles, we only collect the necessary information required to provide services to you. This may include but is not limited to name, address, contact information, log information (personal subject operation records stored through logs, including website browsing records, software usage records, click records, favorite lists, etc.), software information, IP address, service and communication log information, and email. Additionally, the information you provide through login or declaration on this website is your voluntary consent for collection. Refusing certain types of cookies may affect your website experience and our services.

3. Sharing

We strictly limit information processing, sharing, use, and disclosure. However, as we cannot independently provide all services to you, we may need to share your relevant personal information with our affiliated companies, partners, suppliers, and other third parties who provide necessary services through sharing or entrusted processing. We will take necessary technical and managerial measures to protect the security of your personal information as much as possible.

4. Contact Us

If you have any questions, opinions, or suggestions regarding this policy or other related matters, you can contact us through the following channels:

Phone: 0755-86026786
